Category Archives: Others

COST Action

TU1305 Social networks and Travel Behaviour; COST workshop outcomes – Milano, Italy 14-16 February, Feb. 2018.

Plaut, P., Amir, S., and Shach-Pinsly, D., (Eds.)

The MIND-SETS Approach

Deliverable 3.1 of the MIND-SETS Project, European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme, DG Research, Covent garden, Brussels, 2016 (in English).

Konings, H, S, Van Dist, L, Franckx, A, Kershaw, L, Pickup, L, Plaut, P, Shach-Pinsly, D, and Unal, B.,

Mind-sets: Interdisciplinary perspectives on mobility

Deliverable 2.1B of the Mind-sets project. European Commission Directorate General for Research, Covent Garden, Brussels. (Oct., 2015, Eng.), 2015.

Unal, B with Biosca, O, Calvet, M., Carreas, B., Franckx, L, Larrea, E., Mayeres, I, Pickup, L, Plaut, P, Shach-Pinsly, D, Steg, L., Ulied, A., and M, Vanhulsel

Mind-sets: A new vision on European mobility

Deliverable 2.1A of the Mind-sets project. European Commission Directorate General for Research, Covent Garden, Brussels.  (Oct., 2015, Eng.), 2015.

Pickup, L with Biosca, O, Franckx, L, Konings, H, Mayeres, I, Plaut, P, Shach-Pinsly, D, Unal, B, Van Dist, S and M, Van Hulsel